Mozaby 1.4.5 released
Mozaby 1.4.5 is released on App Store. This release contains following fix.
- improve http basic authentication
- fix problem disabled triggers are shown on true triggers screen
Mozaby 1.4.4 released
Mozaby 1.4.4 is released on App Store. This release contains following fix.
- Support of Zabbix 2.0.0
Mozaby 1.4.3 released
Mozaby 1.4.3 is released on App Store. This release contains following fix.
- Some fixes for Zabbix 2.0.0
Mozaby 1.4.2 released
Mozaby 1.4.2 is released on App Store. This release contains following bug fixes.
- add acknowledge function for trigger screen
- fix the problem that maintenance trigger is shown on Problem Triggers screen
Mozaby 1.4.1 released
Mozaby 1.4.1 is released on App Store. This release contains following bug fixes.
- fix problem Zabbix server configuration is cleared on iOS 5.1
- improve Zabbix 2.0.RC support
Mozaby 1.4 released
Mozaby 1.4 is released on App Store. This release contains following new functions and improvements.
- Script function
- Cache option
- Improve Zabbix 1.9.x and 2.0RC support
- Improve performance
- Improve error handling
Add script function
Zabbix has “script” function to execute user-defined script from web interface. It is very useful to check device or service status, execute custom scripts, restart server, and so on.
The script function will be able to use on Mozaby 1.4 screen. Scripts are listed on host screen, and result of the script is displayed on new screen. It can be available from iPhone to check what is happened on your devices which has problem.
Add cache option
Before 1.3.1, Mozaby get all data (hosts, items, triggers, events) when the reload button is tapped. The “full cache” behavior is good for off-line, but it makes heavy load to Zabbix server and it takes a long time if your Zabbix server has a lot of configuration.
Cache option will be added on Mozaby 1.4. If you turn off the full cache, Mozaby get only true triggers and event information, and get other information (ex. list of item) when you are request. This will improve the performance of Mozaby with large setup Zabbix server.
Mozaby 1.3.1 released
Mozaby 1.3.1 is released in App Store. This release contains one bug fix and one improvements.
- Mozaby 1.3 has “endless loading” problem. The problem is occurred if you use auto registration or discovery on your Zabbix server.
- Add debug mode on setting screen.
If you have any problems on Mozaby, please turn on the debug mode and let me know.
Add debug mode
Debug mode will be added on Mozaby 1.3.1.
I already have been reported “endless loading” issue from some person (Thank you for the information!), but I have not been able to reproduce it on my test environment so far.
So, I add debug option for Mozaby. Please send me the debug information if your Mozaby doesn’t work.